Monday, January 28, 2008


I know the feeling all to well of "furious hate." I experience it every day. Read this article from Slate Magazine that my cousin sent me (thanks, summer). I only wish I had submitted a comment regarding furious hate. I did go see Cloverfield the other night and one of the trailers for the movie "Skid Marks" produced red hot fury/furious hate. I have caught myself thinking/composing a letter in my head that I'd like to write to the movie company/executives that created it. I'm not joking either. After reading this article, specifically the part that said, "furious hate gets results," I am going to write those donkeys and give them a piece of my mind.


Sunday, January 27, 2008

Kids These Days

The other day I went out and helped my roommate do some advertising for his window washing business. This consists of punching a hole in a glossy flyer, inserting a rubber band through that hole and then hanging it on the front door of some unsuspecting individual's home. Pretty easy work. Anyway, I'm walking down the street minding my own business when I see potential trouble up ahead--teenage kids walking home from school.

As we approach one another a thirteenish kid with a mop top hair cut yelled at me, "hello." To which the I don't reply hoping to avoid giving him any attention. Well, this doesn't work so hot as the two girls he's with start laughing. Wanting more attention he said, "hey, what are you selling?" This time I can't ignore him and I said, "Window washing. you want to buy some?" He replied, "no, but can I have one of your rubber bands?" Wanting this interaction to be over as quickly as possible I said, "Sure but don't hurt yourself." He said, "ok". I hand him the rubber band and two seconds later I hear him scream out in mock pain, "Ohhh. Ouch. Thanks a lot for giving me that rubber band."

Damn kids.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Dude, I don't hate these.

I can't decide which "dude" moment is my favorite. Just when I think one is the best, I laugh at another. These few I find particularly enjoyable:

Guy butting/cutting in line

A very close second is when his roommate walks across in his underwear and the near car wreck.

I have watched these probably 15 times. I laugh every time.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Worst Movie of My Life

My roommate rented a movie called the Last Legion. Do all or yourselves a giant favor and NEVER in your life watch it--EVER.

I really wish I were watching this instead: NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN