Monday, January 28, 2008


I know the feeling all to well of "furious hate." I experience it every day. Read this article from Slate Magazine that my cousin sent me (thanks, summer). I only wish I had submitted a comment regarding furious hate. I did go see Cloverfield the other night and one of the trailers for the movie "Skid Marks" produced red hot fury/furious hate. I have caught myself thinking/composing a letter in my head that I'd like to write to the movie company/executives that created it. I'm not joking either. After reading this article, specifically the part that said, "furious hate gets results," I am going to write those donkeys and give them a piece of my mind.


1 comment:

Maudie Jane said...

thanks for sharing all the fury and the hate of all the people who responded back to slate. I haven't seen the fore mentioned trailer, but if there was anything to its title, you should lay the smack down.