Saturday, October 17, 2009

I Can Even Hate on Surfing

The following is a text conversation with my friend Ryan about going surfing tomorrow:

Ryan: Are you down for some early morning surf tomorrow? Pete and I are going for sure.

Court: The high tide at 8:45am is going to kill it. It's going to be really high. It was awesome today around 2pm.

Ryan: I have to be home at 12 noon. So is there anywhere we can go early?

Court: It'll be good all over. It's going to be crowded everywhere. It'll still be fun but I bet tons of people everywhere.

Ryan: Did I just text a rain cloud? Are you going with us or not?

Court: I hate you. When? Where?

1 comment:

Emilie and Branden said...

Omigosh. Please bless that you're not going to wait another year to blog again. I know you have a lot to say so sign in and make a post or I'm putting you on The Daily Uncool.