Monday, December 3, 2007

A Week Off

I'm sure I've disappointed many of you with the lack of posting over the past week. The Christmas season is upon us and I've been a bit distracted by taking it all in. I hope to get back on track.

This photoshopped image of a friend magically appeared in my inbox last week. You're going to have to click on the link to see it. I really don't know what to think about it. I am at a loss for words. Click here: MS. ROGER'S NEIGHBOORHOOD


The Taco (Prison Rules) said...

This is what happens when you try to bring two of your friends together. You think you're doing everyone a favor, and then a picture of you as Liono from Thundercats shows up on the internet. Happens everytime.

Cicada said...

Jenny never comments on my blog. Now we know who wins.