Tuesday, November 20, 2007


I received an email this morning from Summer (wife of the fun hater pictured below).

The email was addressed to me, Sierra, Sean (newest member) and Terrie. The email contained a link to view some guys in flying suits buzzing the walls of cliffs and whatnot. Sort of interesting, if you're European. The title of the email was, "this is crazy". Please click on the link to view the video: FLYING SUITS

(What you don't want to do is click on the on the logo positioned behind the video titled, "Fun Babes Biertijd"--unless you're into adult entertainment. Summer, why send such filth?)

Sean soon replied to the email stating, "I've actually done this before. It's not that fun." See previous post. Sean wins.


Summer said...

I didn't click around on the site, Court. I'm going to give you a piece of interweb advice. If there's one thing I've learned (which apparently you haven't) it's not to click on anything that says, "Fun Babes" unless, of course, you're looking for porno. And anyway "Fun Babes" might be a cool point/counterpoint blog to run in conjunction with this one.

Think about it.

Fun Hater said...

This is true, Summer. I can't believe I posted something that links to a site titled "Fun Babes", regardless of the fact that it's basically porn. I am against all things fun. I'm removing this post immediately.