Saturday, November 17, 2007


Many of you are probably sitting on the edge of your seats wondering what happened to my potential fun hating evening last night (see previous post).

You will all be glad to know, I didn't end up hating fun. I went to the movies with my friend Erika. Going to the movies is big time for me. I'm serious.

It's not often I'll recommend a movie because I rarely go to them and I don't rent them either; however, this one I'll give a strong 8.3 on my fun hating scale (anything above 6.8 on this scale is worth enduring fun).

A word of warning to those considering seeing it: if you love the "F" word and interesting uses and variations of it in a Boston accent, DEFINITELY go see this movie. If you don't love the "F" word (who doesn't these days? Just kidding, mom.) and somewhat darker depressing themes, you might want to pass.

Here's the link to watch the trailer: Gone Baby Gone


Jayne said...

Referring to Gone Baby Gone-
Do you think he made the right choice?

Fun Hater said...

That's a tough one. I lean more towards no than yes. That kid doesn't have a chance, but who am I to judge? I just hate fun. She definitely would have had more fun had he let it lie. So, I guess I say yes.